This year’s Wildflower Excursion will be held on Sunday, September 22, and will hopefully include whale sightings!
Meet at the Sugarloaf Carpark at 9:30 am for a walk along the Cape to Cape track towards Cape Naturaliste. Look for the BNC banner at the meeting place.
This walk will be led by Bill Biggs with expert knowledge supplied by Richard Clarke on flora, Brian Trainer on orchids & assisted by Gilbert Mathews.
Bring morning tea to consume on the way, a hat, walking shoes, water, camera, snacks. There may be an option for keen walkers to carry on to the Cape Naturaliste Lighthouse for lunch, pending opening times. Bill will let you know on the day. Others can walk back to the Sugarloaf carpark.
This walk is open to the public so invite family & friends to come along.